This is the journey of how sperm meets an egg to fertilize and give rise to a new human being. This is the story of how sperm travels to the egg to form an embryo. 👉🏻💌 UPDATED: Your Questions Answered❗ ➡️ About 40 million to 150 million sperm, may be deposited in the female. However, not all make the journey to reach the egg. From the Millions of sperms deposited the human sperm must content various obstacles along the female reproductive tract, in an attempt to successfully fertilize an egg. Beginning at the site of deposition in the vagina. Many sperm are overcome by the acidity of the vaginal environment. From those sperms that survive the vaginal environment, they progress forward and enter the cervix. In the cervix, numerous sperms are blocked as they become trapped by the cervical mucus, After 30 Mins – 2 hours only a few thousand sperms ~ 10,000 reach the uterus. In the uterus, they are met with further obstacles. The female immune response attacks numerous sperm as they become engulfed by phagocytic leukocytes in the uterus. From those sperms that do survive they undergo changes in response to the uterine environment. They increase their motility and become hyperactivated, and in the uterus, they also acquire the ability to fertilize an egg a process called capacitation. Sperm can survive 3-5 days in hopes of uniting with the egg. The Capacitated Sperm migrate to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg. The egg is released from the Ovary at the time of ovulation in the female menstrual cycle and and the ovulated egg travels in the fallopian tube. In the fallopian tube, the sperm and egg will finally meet. Only a few hundred sperms reach the oocyte and only a single sperm will fertilize the egg. Sperm & Egg Unite as their DNA contents merge giving rise to a new human being. After 24 hours the fertilized egg now zygote divides, continued by further development. The now growing embryo drops in the uterus (enters the uterus on Day 4 post- fertilization) from the fallopian tube and achieves implantation 5 days after fertilization. After 3 weeks from conception the pregnancy hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) can be detected by pregnancy tests. The developing baby would continue to grow and 9 months later followed by birth. COMMON QUESTIONS & ANSWERS How Sperm Travels to the Egg? 1. Sperm uses active motility (swimming) to find the egg. 2. Uterine Contractions may facilitate the movement of sperm towards an egg. 3. The egg release chemo-attractant which are chemicals that facilitate the sperms to swim toward the egg. How Fast Sperm Travel to Fallopian Tube? OR How long sperm reach egg? OR How Long Does Sperm Take to reach egg? Rapid progressive sperms can travel up to speeds of greater than 25 micrometer per second. Sperms can reach the fallopian tube as quick as 30 mins to 2 hours following intercourse. How Long Sperm Survive in Uterus? OR How long sperm lives in the female body? Sperm are able to survive 3-5 days on average and in some cases even longer up to 14 days may even be possible. How fast does the sperm fertilize an egg? Human Sperm upon binding with the egg, undergoes processes such as zona binding, acrosome reaction, fusion of membrane and syngamy or union of male and female DNA. While sperm can bind with the egg within 2 hours of intercourse. The fertilized egg (zygote) is observed at around 24 hours following conception. When does implantation take place? Implantation takes place around 5/6 days following conception. When can pregnancy be detected? Pregnancy can be detected following 3-4 weeks of conception, while Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) starts being produced at the time of implantation. However the levels are detectable by pregnancy test at around 3-4 week of conception/intercourse or 2 weeks after implantation. How long does it take after conception to become pregnant? Around 3 – 4 weeks after conception pregnancy can be detected by common pregnancy tests on urine test or via blood test. INSPIRED & ADAPTED by the Brilliant Works of: How Sperm Meets Egg - Parents - Fertilization - Nucleus Media - Music by: Infinitely by Keys of Moon -